Lango Teaching Methods
"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart."
Nelson Mandela
At the core of our classes are “challenges” that students complete in order to experience new vocabulary and grammar through movement, playacting, art and basic conversation. Initially, these challenges are quite simple, but as students are able to grasp more complex exercises, they begin to gain confidence and become proud of their growing knowledge.
Adventure Learning
Lango has developed a unique approach to teaching kids languages called Adventure Learning™. draws on three well-regarded methods and principles:
Total Physical Response (TPR), The Rassias Method, and the theory of Multiple Intelligences.
Employing TPR, we expose children to the target language and offer them a variety of ways to respond before actually speaking it. This mimics the way that children learn language naturally.
The Rassias Method exposes learners to new languages through dramatic communication full of emotion and feeling – the surest way to ensure that students retain what they learn.
The Multiple Intelligences theory suggests that learners acquire new information in a variety of ways: musical, verbal, tactile, visual, and other means.
With this approach at the root of how we teach kids, we make sure that in every class, our students are given many different ways to acquire and understand new sounds and concepts.